Adolescents are distinct population group with particular needs and capacities. Their numbers have steadily increased in last few decades. More than 1 billion young people are between the ages of 15 to 24 years majority being in developing countries. Sexuality is one of the most sensitive issues associated with adolescence. Adolescents receive inadequate education, guidance and services that could have been helped them to make smooth transition to adulthood. They are denied complete access to reproductive health information and services especially in the third world countries. The limited knowledge about their bodies and their sexuality, make adolescents vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases and infections, including HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, sexual exploitation, and violence. Girls are vulnerable due to their lower educational status and inability to negotiate on issues related to reproductive and sexual health.
A look at the statistics reveals that:
To enable adolescents to enjoy their reproductive and sexual rights, including their rights to information, education and services and to ensure that young girls gain self-esteem and confidence it is important to generate an awareness and appreciation of crucial skills to help adolescents negotiate life's more difficult passages. Strengthen networks among adolescents to encourage working together and sharing experiences. Provide information and services on promoting safe sexual behavior including abstinence, delayed age of onset of sexual intercourse, preventing unwanted and early pregnancies, and preventing STDs, including HIV/AIDS.
From : Yuman Azad
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