Today's teachers, students and the parents are equally pressurized with the media, films and other societal influence on the families. We are unable to keep these sources distinctly away from the four walls of the house. So it is increasingly difficult for the parents or the school authorities to discipline the child. So professional guidance from a counsellor becomes distinctly necessary. An effective teacher has to balance time, curriculum, space, resources, behaviours, and also keep herself abreast with the dynamic changes in the educational world. Usual problems that a student and teacher confront are basically due to perception. This results into behavioural problems.
Let us analyze A Teacher's role is mainly focused on imparting knowledge, maintaining lesson plans, performance appraisal of the students, reporting and recording the same. Inculcating discipline is part and parcel of the teacher's responsibilities. Apart from these, a teacher has to shoulder compulsive administrative duties. Is the teacher able to balance the responsibilities within the time frame of the working hours? With the various pressures from all angles, will the teacher be in a position to deliver her goods? Can the school authorities manage to reach their expectations? Will the parents be in position to see their kids excel? And above all should the dreams of the students remain castles in the air? When parents constantly try disciplining the child it becomes monotonous and the child finds it as a constant harassment. Corporal punishment from school authorities may derive instant results, but cannot be a permanent solution. The long-term effect can be devastating to every one. Unreasonable behaviour will never achieve desirable alternatives. Regular punishments can lower the e student. It can also hurt the student's physical and psychological development.
This also impairs the student- teacher relationship. The targeted results and time bound academics will surely need proper orientation. Schools have to hire the services of a professional counsellor, to put the students on the right tracks. As the students are exposed to a new face and a patient listener, they tend to come out with possible reasons for their misbehaviour. The counsellor will be in a position to understand the problems from all angles and enable positive results from the students. This is very essential as the formative years in a child's life are laid with a chalked out plan. Even the ruler of the roost also can be mended if a right approach is adopted. The services of the counsellor work as a magic wand to reform a student to achieve a common goal. What the student does not want to share with the parents, teacher or the school authorities, he will be willing to share with a counsellor.
The counsellor will in turn forward remedial measures with out hurting the three groups that is, teacher, parent and the school authorities, thereby acting as a Positive catalyst. This will allow immediate rectification of a student's behaviour. As the teacher can have oriented set of students in a class, she will be able to achieve her targets. Also the school's average performance can be raised to different heights. As the energies from all angles are focused on the performance of the student, he can be moulded carefully, and the desired results can be achieved. This is sure to Make A Performer Perform Better.
Student Counsellor {Published in Times of India (Hyderabad Times) dated 3rd July 2008}
From : Bharathi Kaza
21st Oct ' 09
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