Muslim Baby Boy names starting with N

Here is a list of Muslim Baby Boy names starting with N. We have listed both boys and girls names starting with N on this page. If we have omitted any names that you know of please send it to us with its meaning.

These names have been taken from secondary sources and could be wrongly projected, therefore please recheck with friends and your family members before naming your child.

Muslim Baby Boy names Starting with- N

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
U= Unique, C= Common, VC= Very Common
Name Gender Meaning Type
Na'il boy Acquirer, earner. C
Naadir boy Dear, Rare, Precious. C
Nabeel boy Noble Man. C
Nabhan boy Alert. C
Noor boy Noble, outstanding C
Nabigh boy Genius. C
Nabighah boy Intelligent C
Nabih boy Smart C
Nabil boy Noble, generous. C
Nabil, Nabeel boy Attribute of Allah C
Nadeem boy Companion, Friend. C
Nadhir boy Warner C
Nadim boy Friend, companion. C
Nadim, Nadeem boy Friendly, entertaining C
Nadir boy Dear, rare, precious VC
Nadr boy Flourishing. C
Naeem boy Blessing, Ease. C
Nafasat boy Refinement. C
Nafi boy Useful C
Nafis boy Precious. C
Naib boy Deputy, Second in Command. C
Nail boy Aquirer, earner VC
Naim boy Comfort, ease, tranquility C
Najair boy Little Star. C
Najam boy Star. C
Najeeb boy Of noble birth. C
Najeed boy Highland. C
Naji boy Safe, survivor C
Najib boy Intelligent. C
Najib, Najeeb boy Of noble descent C
Najid boy Lion, brave C
Najih boy Successful. C
Najjar boy Carpenter C
Najm boy Star, celestial body. C
Najm al Din boy Star of the faith C
Nour boy Light C
Naaib boy Variant of Na'ib; Delegate; Substitute C
Naaji boy Clear; Pure; White C
Nabeh boy Noble; Outstanding C

Please comment on the above names. Please point out any errors & also please tell us how common / unique these muslim baby boy names are